Title: Murder Among The Rubble
Series: Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 7
Author: Tam May
Genres: Historical Cozy Mystery
Release Date: December 28, 2024
Chosen for the Barnes & Noble Top Indie Favorite list!
On a quiet morning in 1906, an earthquake of horrendous magnitude shakes one of California’s most vibrant cities. Buildings crumble to the ground. Fires destroy everything from South of the Slot’s dilapidated buildings to Nob Ill’s most ornate mansions, leveling nearly eighty percent of San Francisco.
Radical suffragist and progressive reformer Elsie Blessings calls her friends Adele Gossling and Nin Branch to her side at the Presidio’s refugee camp to help destitute women and children as San Francisco begins the slow process of rebuilding. Adele’s brother, Jackson, and Sheriff Hatfield accompany them as volunteers to help maintain law and order amidst the chaos of the ruined city.
While citizens come together to pick up the pieces of their homes and lives among the rubble, somebody thinks it’s just the right time for murder.
Includes an Author’s Note with background on the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906!
You can get your copy of the book at a special promotional price at the following online retailers.
“Perhaps if we saw her face, the ladies would be able to tell,” Hatfield suggested.
Dr. Fleming bent down and gently turned the woman over.
Missy’s piercing scream echoed among the quiet shrubbery. Nin closed her eyes, clutching Adele’s arm. Adele’s stomach turned over. The entire front of the woman’s body was bloody and full of slits as if someone had tried to rip the dress off her.
“My God, what an animal!” Jackson stared at the horror.
Adele felt as if another earthquake were swaying the ground. Nin seemed to know what was happening and pulled her friend away from the horrible sight into another clearing. Adele leaned against a redwood, feeling the sharp tips of bark pierce into her back. The breeze brushed gently against her cheeks and the sun created a warm umbrella over her. Gradually, the sick feeling passed.
“How could he have done that to her?” Adele choked out. “So much stabbing!”
“Some men are savages,” Nin snarled. “A wild coyote would have been more civilized.”
Adele glanced at her friend and gave a small laugh. “You have a strong stomach, Nin.”
“I’ve seen what humans can do to one another,” Nin said, her tone heavy.
Adele steadied herself. “The rage is more honest, anyway.”
“It was rage that did that,” Nin agreed.
“What could she have done that was so terrible, I wonder,” Adele murmured.
“She probably didn’t do anything but live her own life,” Nin said.
“That’s what I mean.” Adele was beginning to feel stronger. “A woman living her own life is bound to offend someone.”
Nin put her hands on her shoulders. “It’s coming closer, the time when women will be able to live their own lives without offending anybody.”
Adele smiled. “Don’t tell me you believe in our cause at last, dear.”
“I don’t believe in causes and you know it,” Nin declared. “I believe in what the Generous Ones tell me.”
“And they tell you that?”
“The years tell me that,” said Nin. “The years passing by other people’s prejudices.”
Adele pressed her hand. “We should be getting back. I’m all right now.”
“Take some peppermint,” her friend advised. “There’s plenty of it here and it’s very soothing.”
Adele bent down and picked some of the spiky, rough leaves. Nin was right. The stinging scent calmed her stomach. As she plucked a bunch from the ground, she caught sight of a golden ring that looked as if it had been carelessly tossed there. Picking it up, she saw it was inscribed L.S. & G.W.
“Nin, look at this!”
Her friend peered at the ring. “Do you think it belonged to the dead girl?”
“It might have,” Adele said. “Or it might have fallen from the finger of a woman who came out here to meet her soldier beau.”
“A very married woman,” Nin remarked with disapproval.
“It looks fresh to me,” Adele said. “I don’t think it could have been left here for very long.”
“The camp’s been open for only a few weeks,” her friend pointed out.
“No, I think it was even a shorter time than that.” Adele slipped it in the pocket of her jacket. “It hardly has any dirt on it.”
“Are you going to tell the police?” Nin took her arm.
“I think we’d better not,” said Adele. “We don’t know that it has anything to do with the girl.”
“And you’re not going to tell them we saw the girl last night, are you?” Her friend’s eyes were shrewd.
“If we tell Sergeant Walker she was near the Chinese camp, it wouldn’t look very good for them,” Adele said.
“Maybe a Chinese did kill her,” Nin suggested.
“I don’t think so,” Adele said as they carefully made their way among the shrubs. “It doesn’t seem likely someone from the Chinese camp would rip through her clothes like that.”
“Who knows what anyone would do under circumstances like these?” Nin sighed. “Some people have their sense of decency knocked out of them when Sister Nature reacts with such violence.”
“Violence begets violence,” Adele said, feeling her body shake.
About the Author

Writing has been Tam May’s voice since the age of fourteen. She writes stories set in the past that feature sassy and sensitive women characters. Tam is the author of the Adele Gossling Mysteries which takes place in the early 20th century and features suffragist and epistolary expert Adele Gossling whose talent for solving crimes doesn’t sit well with her town’s conventional ideas about women’s place. Tam is also working on a new series, the Grave Sisters Mysteries about three sisters who own a funeral home and help the county D.A. solve crimes in a 1920s small California town, set to release in 2025. She has also written historical fiction about women breaking loose from the social and psychological expectations of their era. Although Tam left her heart in San Francisco, she lives in the Midwest because it’s cheaper. When she’s not writing, she’s devouring everything classic (books, films, art, music), concocting yummy plant-based dishes, and exploring her new riverside town.
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